Wait till next year
Until now, I'd told only a handful of people this... but I'm working on a revision of my first novel, Lost in the Ivy. I'm not sure why I've been reluctant to admit this. Perhaps because I didn't know if I would stick with it to the end. Maybe because it felt a little like I was going backwards rather than forwards. But for some time now I've been thinking about revising it and re-issuing it. It's out of print now and never had all the chances that books have today in the e-book world. There are also many things I wanted to change about it. Inspired by a project a friend is launching (details on that to come at a later date), I jumped back into Lost in the Ivy. I didn't know how this would go but so far it's gone better than I anticipated. It's been fun going back to these characters I created when I first took the plunge into fiction writing and giving them new life. Like the Cubs, I am in rebuilding mode. Though I suppose it is more of a reshaping. My goal is to finish it by this fall and re-issue it in time for the beginning of the next baseball season. So, yes, that means I am asking you to do what the Cubs do every year: wait till next year.
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