The author is donating $1 from every soft cover sale of this book to the Elyssa’s Mission, a Northbrook, Illinois-based not-for-profit foundation that provides help, support and suicide prevention programs to prevent teen suicide. Donations will help to fund the Mission's Signs of Suicide Program, which they currently provide to junior and high schools in Illinois.

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Entries in Stephen Chblosky (1)


In good company

I've no idea how these students from UNC Chapel Hill stumbled upon my book. As part of a class project this past fall, they created a Coming of Age website, designed to be an educational resource about rites of passage. It has all sorts of books, movies, websites, and organizations that can help you learn more about various rites of passage.

The Books section breaks down the coming of age genre into sub-genres such as cultural, realistic, historical and philosophical. They include Cheeseland in the realistic category, right next to books like Jeffrey Eugenides' The Virgin Suicides and Stephen Chblosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Now that is my kind of class project. My grade: A+.